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Michigan Wheel Inboard Propellers are best in class

Michigan Wheel inboard boat props have dominated the pleasure and commercial boating industry for over a century by adapting to changes in the market to stay relevant. There are two legendary props from the company; the 3-blade Dyna Jet and 4-blade Dyna Quad pleasure boat propellers. These props have been redesigned to include high-speed boat designs. Since 5-blade props have become more and more popular, the company developed the M500 Michigan Wheel Marine to meet this demand. The "M" series of Michigan propellers has given the company a competitive edge in the global market.  Propeller Depot in a marine industry captain when it comes to supplying Michigan Wheel Inboard Boat Props.

inboard boat props

Powerboat Propellers


0.61 EAR: 12-21 Inch Diameter Range

The DJX is an improvement of the popular Dyna jet and Dyna Quad jet propeller series. These props are best suited for restricted tip and heavy hauling applications. Every "X" series prop is CNC machined to produce precise and easily replicable products.


0.735 EAR: 17-22 Inch Diameter Range
0.81 EAR: 23-32 Inch Diameter Range

The DQX is also an improvement of the Dyna Jet and Dyna Quad jet propeller series. All the props in this series have been machine to create a precise and replicable prop.

The Dyna Jet

This 3-blade Dyna Jet is among the most popular props for medium sized boats as it offers unrivalled performance and speed. It is designed for professional fishing boats and pleasure boat owners. All the Dyna Jet propellers are painstakingly hand-crafted and inspected to satisfy all the modern performance standards.

The Dyna Quad

This prop series is also loved as much as the Dyna Jet. However, it is meant for larger water vessels (40-footers and above). These props have a large blade area to provide the extra thrust and weight. The prop has four blades, which offer smooth and impressive maneuverability as well as the speed of a 3-blade propeller.

The M500

The M500 is meant for new boats, propeller upgrades and power modifications. The M500 is the choice propeller for applications where heavy vee struts, deadwood or hull appendages restrict the flow of water to the propeller. The M500 is also great for applications where vibrations produced by resonance is an issue.

The M Series

The DJ355

This 3-blade prop offers the most value for smaller inboard crafts. It provides smooth and quiet but dependable propulsion. This zero offset, skewed, constant pitch line requires low maintenance. The prop meets the performance criteria for many applications.

The DQ469

This prop has exactly the same design as the DJ355. For certain applications, the 4-blade design might be the most suitable. The prop offer more thrust and reduced vibration and sound.

Sailboat Propellers

That Sailor Two

This fixed-pitch propeller offers maximum sailing speed. This is because it offers lesser drag when sailing. This means you can move at the desired speed when the wind stops blowing.

The Sailor Three

This is the perfect prop for cruising sailboats. The prop offers exceptional docking maneuverability. It is also powerful enough to maintain a constant speed in windy conditions and harsh waves.

The MP Three

If you have a 30-foot cruiser, the MP Three propeller has blade areas to efficiently propel the boat. In addition to providing exceptional maneuverability when docking, the prop offers impressive cruising performance once the sails are lowered.

Towboat and Ski Propellers

The Dyna Jet Cupped 3-blade propeller and the Ambush 4-blade propeller are great for ski propellers and towboats. They have an amazing design and offer impressive performance