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Types of Boats and boating activities

Boating is a relaxing activity that allows people to travel by boat. Boats can be used in a recreational manner whether they are sailboats, powerboats, or even canoes or other man-powered floating vessels. Boats are used for travel, sporting activities, and simply relaxing. There are millions of people that enjoy fishing, water skiing, or simply floating around the water on a leisurely afternoon.

There are many different types of boats on the market. Recreational boating includes pleasure crafts that are used for less sporty activities and more leisurely activities. Such boats might include paddle boats like kayaks and row boats, dinghies, or even sailboats.

There are so many different activities related to boating that the variations are as wide as the boats themselves. Paddlesports include boats like canoes and kayaks. People who enjoy these types of activities jump into their floating vessels with a paddle and start moving the boat with their own force.

Sailing is another popular activity that can be very relaxing, but also very competitive. Sailing can be done on a lake, in the ocean, or many other bodies of water. Smaller sailboats are generally made out of fiberglass along with wood spars. Daysailers are wider and can accommodate more speed while cruising sailboats are wider and can fit far more people.


Fishing is something that is very commonly done in boats. Nearly one third of the boating that occurs in the United States is done due to the sport of fishing. There are many different types of boats used for fishing and anglers often each have their own favorites. Sometimes the type of boat will determine the type of fish the angler is aiming to catch.

Watersport boats are often also called skiboats. These high-powered, fast boats are known for their speed. They often tow waterskiiers and parasailers behind them. People wake board, knee board, and ride on other inflatable items that the boats tow behind them.

Racing boats belong to a subculture of boaters. This type of boating includes vessels that are long and fast and the owners are often part of a Yacht club or another organization.

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